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  • Dawn Alexander

11/20/23 ECEA Child Care Update

QUIETLY Rules Change at Times...if you LET them!!

Stop what you are doing NOW and make a public comment on the Proposed UPK Quality Regulations. If you don't, it will be TOO LATE.


Eligible preschool providers shall maintain staff-child ratios and maximum group sizes in

accordance with the applicable maximum ratios and group sizes as determined in the

“Rules Regulating Child Care Centers” located in 8 CCR 1402-1, rule section 2.217(A),

except that, no classroom of an eligible preschool provider shall have a staff-child ratio

in excess of 1:10 or a maximum group size in excess of twenty (20); or in accordance

with the primary provider’s license type for a family child care home, and the “Rules

Regulating Family Child Care Homes” located in 8 CCR 1402-1, rule sections 2.305-


CDEC's UPK Director and the Governor's office say:

1) This brings UPK rules in alignment with Licensing Standards which is clearly incorrect.

2) This change won't affect very many people. They are trying to let school districts know that they can increase their ratios because they are used to a 1:8 ratio. They want them to know that they can use 1:10 ratios. That may be true but ALSO TRUE is the fact that this will decrease many 4 year old classrooms to a 1:10 ratio which means a potential decrease in those classrooms by 2-4 children. Let them know what this change will cost you financially. They will NOT be increasing rates with this ratio reduction as they said the established rates which include quality funds were built for 1:10 ratios. That means likely, a loss of tens of thousands of dollars for your 4 year old classroom. It also means that UPK mixed delivery may be undermined.....if you don't participate, how do we maintain mixed delivery? If you stand to lose capacity in your 4 year old do you stay stable as a business?? This is not a time to be silent. Send a public comment NOW!!!

Please submit written comments on the draft UPK Quality Standards rules (Redline Draft | Clean Draft) by Wednesday, November 22, 2023.


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