CDEC Rule Making Sunset Review
Scheduled for VALENTINES DAY
The Department of Early Childhood Sunset Review Hearing will take place on Wednesday 2/14 at 1:30pm in the House Health & Human Services Committee in House Committee Room (HCR) 0112.
If you would like to sign up to testify for this hearing item, or if you would like to provide written testimony, please refer to the link below:
Key Recommendations
• Continue the rulemaking authority of the Executive Director for seven
years, until 2031. (Was set to terminate on 9/1/24).
You can read the full report here:
The report outlines the criteria for determining whether to sunset a rule:
The ninth sunset criterion questions the economic impact of the program and, if
national economic information is not available, whether the agency stimulates or
restricts competition. One way this may be accomplished is to review the economic
impacts of investing in early childhood education. However, research indicates every dollar spent on early childhood care, education or both yields a return of between $7.30 and $8.60 in economic returns.
If you have comments to make about the Rules Advisory Council (RAC) or the overall rulemaking authority....this is you opportunity to tell the legislature! If you are a member and want to discuss tonight or first thing in the morning. Remember...the hearing is set for 1:30.
Our property tax bill has passed the House committee as of today, unanimously with a vote of 11-0! Things are looking GREAT and County Commissioners that are providing public testimony are eager to provide supports to child care programs in their communities!!
We will keep you up to date on the progress but we are almost there!
ECEA...Making a Financial Difference for YOUR Business!
Why haven't you joined yet? We need YOU in membership so that we can do MORE to support you!!
Do YOUR PART....TODAY!!! OR email Dawn: for an invoice! Program memberships range from $50/60 for homes, $75 for SACCs and $200-$300 for centers and preschools.
MEMBERS ONLY for the Conference!!
Anyone can have staff attend. 303-860-7174