State Government --Moving Towards Evidence Based Decision Making
Note: After implementation, the next step is to evaluate the programs quality based on program outputs. CDEC UPK is called to measure quality changes based on Colorado UPK outcomes.
Colorado as a state is moving towards this process with all of their programming and policy decision making. We know that statute for UPK requires consideration of National Standards. We also know that statute also requires that quality measures are brought into alignment with licensing standards where ever possible. We know that it's possible, because programs have operated this way for years.
Next week, we will hear what Executive Director, Dr. Lisa Roy decides to do with the Rules Advisory Council (RAC) recommendations on the UPK Quality Regulations. We will update you next week on the decisions that are announced next week during that rule making hearing. Questions? email
Members We've Heard You....
Many of you cannot get away for the conference because of staffing limitations. We are now authorized to offer the training to you both IN PERSON - AND - VIRTUALLY LIVE! All attendees will have access to ALL sessions. If you attend virtually you will miss out on our great lunch and prize drawings but we understand it's not possible for all of you to be here in person! We WILL still send you your gift though and you will get credit for attending virtually as long as you are onscreen during each session that you want credit for.
All the details can be found at:
Not a member of ECEA yet? Join and get a discount if you sign up for the conference! Email for details.
Health Department Rules --Open for Public Comment
Closes March 31st
Suggest changes here:
Contact information:
ECEA is a Statewide Trade Association
We support YOU and YOUR Program...and we need YOU to join!
Property Tax Relief Now a Possibility for Private Child Care Programs
Ninety days after Final Adjournment of the State Legislature this new law goes into effect. Child Care can be named an are of local concern. ECEA is encouraging Early Childhood Councils to provide data support and to initiate conversations with their Board of County Commissioners regarding instituting this relief to support privately owned child care programs in their jurisdictions. ECEA will provide any assistance needed to make this happen!
Our members made this happen!!! If you are not a member yet....we NEED YOU TO JOIN!!
Want an additional way to make a DIFFERENCE for the Colorado Child Care Industry? Support ECEA President, Scott Bright in his campaign for State Senate. Every dollar helps put him into office to support the industry as a whole. You can donate, regardless of where you live or where your program is located. 303-860-7174