CCCAP Changes are COMING!
Expect improved rates this October...and the next....and the next!
Colorado sees CCCAP changes as a significant way to stabilize the industry. They've received Federal approval to base CCCAP rates off of an alternative rate method. That's GREAT NEWS for programs. The down side? With the Stimulus roll-off and implementing the new rates will eventually result in a decrease of 22% of existing CCCAP slots for families. Additional funding will be needed to fill the gap. In addition to that, the implementation of new Federal mandates for CCCAP will dramatically increase the cost to operate the program. The Feds believe it's a necessary step to stabilize the industry and that it had to be done. ECEA advocated this week with Congresswoman Pettersen for the Feds to fund the new mandates so that states have fewer dollars they have to raise legislatively within their state. With all the changes...Colorado Legislators are going to need to proactively work to minimize the loss of slots for families.
For programs, changes include paying in advance of care based on enrollment, reimbursement for holidays, and payment for reasonable registration fees. Rates for Infant/toddler care will increase the most and are looking to be about a 40% increase in the 3 year timeline. Increases each year will be 1/3 of the increase and next year and going forward will include the actual cost of care in that year. That means when we get to October 2026, your rate will be based on quality in 2026. An operational memo for counties will be published on June 12.
Find more details about pending CCCAP changes here:
ECEA Members - Join us for a Discussion on what ECEA Legislative Priorities should be! We want to hear from you before our Board retreat.
When: June 11, 2024 1-2 p.m.
Where: Via Zoom
Register: Email for the link!
ECEA Members- Come find out what to do about your private property taxes! Homes that includes YOU!
When: June 13, 2024 6 p.m.
Where: Via Zoom
Register: Email for the link!
COVID Changes (called modernizations) expired for CACFP...and National Enrollment Has dropped
Colorado homes are down to 3 choices for CACFP sponsors in Colorado. Want to participate in the program? Here's where you can find the sponsor list:
Colorado has had a slight decrease in CACFP. ECEA is meeting with CDPHE to find out more!
More details on the national decrease can be found at:
National Child Care Program DATA
Did You Know the ECEA Network of Programs Cares for Nearly 42,000 Children Statewide?
Our members are MAKING A DIFFERENCE!
Everyone can find this survey in their PDIS account in the top right corner of your screen. The results will help the department determine how and where to support workforce in the Colorado industry. It is not mandatory. Ultimately, they want to incorporate the data into the Early Childhood Workforce Dashboard so that it can be as useful as possible.
Center Members....reach out and we will connect you to our new vendor so you can find out what you can save. You WILL save!! This program will do menu planning for you too if you want. And if you love earning rewards through your purchases, they do that too!! Contact: and see how your membership will save you thousands of dollars a year!
That's just ONE WAY that our members can save! Last year ECEA members saved over $200,000 with Kaplan Early Learning. They also saved $50 an hour for legal representation. Those are just some of the financial supports for our members....our ADVOCACY is making a difference for each and every program statewide. Will you do your part and join? Every member that joins strengthens the advocacy that we can provide. If you get into a jam, we can be there for you. Do your part!
Homes: $50-60
Centers/Preschools: $200-300
SACCs: $75
Let's Face it...There's too Much Going on to Summarize Every Story! 303-860-7174