Numerous flexibilities for the state. 3 Year CCDF plan reflects those usage of specific flexibilities. Currently, the County can choose to pay for up to 10 holidays as a county option. That may be adjusted by the Federal rule. They are trying to figure that out!
Some of these things might be implemented early OR in might be all at once as once IT package. (To be determined). The federal mandates will cost an additional $40M to implement and that is NOT included in the 22% decrease in slots already mentioned.
With stimulus roll off and the new rate methodology means in 2026 we will be serving 22% fewer children in CCCAP. Counties will receive an operational memo on 6/12/24 on how to handle the 33% of the new rate increase until October 2026 when it will be full implementation.
The change to enrollment based CCCAP has a $32M price tag. Without new funding to pay for that it will mean MORE CCCAP slots that are NOT available. Keep in mind that that $32 Million is what the industry has been absorbing over the years.
The following slides are from the May AND June Meetings.
 This is to model what it can look like. Infants/toddlers will have the MOST increases. Older children will have lower increases because their rates are pretty close to what they should be at this time.
In addition to these rates they will make sure it also includes that years quality costs and any difference is included in the step up. Step up will be different based on children served, etc.
(Only upward adjustments ever.)