We will update until responses wain.
Will provide data when have time to evaluate responses. You can see the raw data using the link at the bottom of the page.
Will provide data when have time to evaluate responses. You can see the raw data using the link at the bottom of the page.
(Will provide data when have time to evaluate responses.) Need to do a comparison with provider type for greater detail.
UPK hours don't match elementary hours
ECE is not a viable business. we need to spread the message that it is a public service, not a business
The policies with the largest negative impact on our programs are licensing requirements for staff background checks and staff qualifications. We are a seasonal mobile day camp and it is nearly impossible to meet some of these requirements with a 13 week operating season.
UPK hours. We are a school district and offered AM 12 hour sessions and PM 12 hours sessions. Now that UPK offered all 4 yr olds 15 hours we stay the same and only get funded 10 hours for our 4 yr olds or extend our hours and not be able to offer an afternoon session because I have to keep my staff hours between 7:30-4 give them an hour plan time and a 1/2 hour lunch. Also we are a rural area and need typical 3 yr olds in our program to make it work and fill our program.
Non participation in UPK based on restriction of religious teachings. We are a faith-based school.
Head Start rates & time spent on compliance
Inability to raise tuition costs enough to cover operations
Difficult to find, onboard, train staff to work for low pay
Being with the school district, I'm not sure what policies will affect us.
Not sure how these will all affect me because I don’t know all the details of the policies
UPK late payouts; UPK disorganization; UPK!
minx wage increases in denver county
Head Start reducing number of children we can have in each classroom (8 max with 2 teachers, 9 with 3 teachers. We want to have 12 paying toddlers and 10 early toddlers, but Head Start limits this option reducing our revenue by $110k/year)
Keeping up with paying staff, the increase in minimum wage and increased cost of living has been a huge challenge. Finding grants is getting hard too
UPK in general
Rules that should not apply to all... I have to follow the same rules that FCCH do... I have no infants or toddlers...I'm a preschool only... for instance it's a challenge with the role of only having twelve inch walls outside... Preschool abilities are much more advanced then infants and toddlers...in all areas.
UPK reimbursement rates
Families need scholarships who don't meet the criteria for CCAP. We have to fundraise to cover deficit. CCAP being attendance based.
Utilities are also way up.
I think all of the above as a combo is the most scary part of it. We could get hit on multiple fronts, without warning, and we just have to "take it" Ie last year we had 3 staff have babies, and none of them could take FAMILI, so far, we have zero prego in 2024, but we could face staff outages due to FAMILI without warning. There is nothing in FAMILI that addresses how we still staff the outages appropriately when they can come/go as they please.
I do not know enough about the changes to say.
I am a Family Child Care Home. With the new UPK: 3 and 4 year olds that used to stay until Kindergarten are now leaving early because of UPK. It has been helpful that the age ratios have been lowered for infants from 2 years old to 18 months. However, I think that lowering it to either 15 months or 12 months would help up fill our openings more quickly which will help us stay in business. It will also help parents that are having such a difficult time finding infant care.
UPK has pulled children and families from our existing program to other centers and locations that accept UPK. We do not participate in any government programs such as CCCAP, UPK, Food Program, or even grants. However UPK has made parents and families question whether they should be paying for childcare. Neither CCCAP or UPK is close to the going rate of childcare. CCCAP and UPK should pay the childcare providers full rate and the family would cover the difference. This is very similar to the childcare assistance program through the military called childcare aware (CCA). This make more financial sense to a childcare provider.
Too many rules and regs needing more paper documentation.
Licensing requirements; cost of hiring trained staff who are credentialed in Montessori (req beyond ECT); competing with district to pay wages
providing 48 hours sick pay already puts us at the breaking point.
As a business of 1, I am still getting my business legs underneath me and am not sure of these expenses.
New business so anything making us pay at the moment is going to greatly impact us
UPK in general
3 years behind on property taxes; Gas station being built next door-no notification of this
Inability to raise tuition costs enough to cover operations
Teacher requirements
I’m choosing not to do UPK. Waiting to see when the state gets it figured out
Escalating Food costs
Minimum WagÄ™ going up
Of the 38 that replied Yes - 28 Private, 9 non- profit and 1 public program.
We are making the actual responses available. YOU can link up the zip codes with who has made 30 programs feel attacked. We have about 25 programs that entered information for multiple zip codes.
We've deleted the emails provided (for advocacy on the small business definition bill). That leaves NO identifiers in the responses. Here is the link to the response worksheet so that you can make data connections as well!