“Funds to pay for general education programming for children with IEPs is included in the UPK Colorado calculation. While a preschool child will not generate funding through the CDE pupil count for the School Finance Act, school districts are required to certify to the Colorado Department of Education the number of three- and four-year-old pupils with disabilities receiving an educational program from the district so that they can receive state and federal special education funding (ECEA and IDEA). In the new preschool program administered by CDEC, all four-year-olds will receive general education funding for the part-time or half-day, universal preschool program as funded by UPK Colorado regardless of disability status. Additionally, CDE will continue to distribute ECEA and IDEA special education funds directly to the Special Education Administrative Unit that reports the child in the CDE December count.”
CPP 2022 Report: CPP currently provides preschool funding for up to 29,360 young children who have certain risk factors associated with later challenges in school.
The Early Childhood At-Risk Enhancement (ECARE) program provides 9,200 CPP positions that districts have been able to use for either half- or full-day preschool or full-day kindergarten.
Link to the report: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cpp/2022cpplegreport